Verto Shader Editor是一款图形着色编辑工具,允许你在 3D 图形中直接的学习和修改。它允许您编写能够在桌面、移动和WebGL系统的GLSL代码,是您进行软件开发必不可少的工具。搭配了13集逐步视频教程系列,the Verto Shder Editor无疑是学习着色器编程的最简单的方法。
- Built-in templates for basic shaders such as texture mapping, phong lighting, and more.
- Tangent-space shader inputs (per-vertex tangents)
- Geometry shader capability
- Animatable shader capability via "time" system uniform variable.
- Multi-pass render pipeline editor with programmable post-processing fragment shaders
- Multiple Texture map inputs definable via simple texture library interface.
- Full shader editing compatibility with existing Verto Studio Scene documents.
- Ability to import and write shaders for many 3D file formats including OBJ, STL and Collada (DAE)